Monday, October 11, 2010

15 Months!

We had our 15 month well-check early this morning & Levi passed with flying colors. I haven't had any major concerns, but it's always nice getting that professional 'thumbs up'. He's now a whopping 20lbs, 6 oz (5th %ile), and 29" long (6th %ile). Probably not going to be a linebacker, but Mama is very ok with that. He's meeting his developmental milestones & is overall a very happy, healthy baby boy. Hallelujah!

Levi ~ you are in your big boy carseat now. You love going outside with Daddy. You love making animal noises. You love to read books. You love being tickled & bounced. You love dancing. You love walking. You're talking more & more. You love inspecting everything you're not suppose to touch. I love watching you become your own person. Mostly, we just love you for being you. We are thankful beyond words for you. We thank God for you multiple times, every single day. Thanks for choosing us.

tired baby on the way home

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