Well, it's been a little quiet around here lately. Not sure if anyone really notices (besides my FIL - thanks Royce!). The reason is, well... life #1.
#2 is, I've started a new website to accompany my growing photography business.
It's something I fell into & have loved every minute of. I'm hoping to continue learning & growing so that once our kiddos are in school full-time, it can be a more full-time work opportunity for me. I'm thankful for a loving husband & financial situation that make this possible.
I hope to continue updating here occasionally with family related news. It's a good personal keepsake of our life events. Christmas time was really busy with photo shoots, so now I need to go back & upload my own family's Christmas photos. Until then… check out the new website & spread the word! Thanks to all my friends and family who have already made this a rewarding journey.
Happy New Year Y'all!